Know Your Worth

|“Stop Waiting for Friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now.” |  

Take a hold of your life. Shine that positivity that I know you have even if you don’t think you do. Fight for what your heart wants. Fight for what you yearn for. Don’t settle just because your mind is telling you that you aren’t good enough, because you are. Remember this:

  1.  You are LOVED.
  2.  You are WORTHY. 
  3.  You are NEEDED.

 I know that when it comes to this, (the trying to be positive for yourself) it’s truly harder than it looks. That’s the thing though, no one said it would be easy and if it truly was then hapiness would no longer be needed because everyone would be entitled to it. You need to have something to fight for and thag starts with you. 
Know your worth. DO NOT listen to what anyone else says because all that matters are the thoughts and words that come from your mouth. 

Naquishya's Official Writings
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